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Quality & Environment

The current world is undergoing a real change in its approach to nature, ecology, and global warming, which can be explained by various factors that question the functioning of large companies. Our respect for the sustainability of the environment and our human resources policies are further evidence of how we guarantee the efficiency of our solutions. Bansard ensures our commitment to combine the economic, environmental, and societal aspects of your business.

This voluntary initiative, encouraged and supported by our customers, leads the Group's strategy towards the intensification of its CSR approach, which aims at reducing its global impact on the planet. On a worldwide scale, industries related to manufactured products and freight transport remain significant contributors to global warming. Therefore, they are at the heart of this problematic: how do we implement a sustainable development strategy while controlling and reducing costs?

Unfortunately, a mode of transport with "zero impact" on the environment does not exist yet, however, we can implement optimizations and alternative solutions at different scales.






By selecting like-minded, reliable suppliers who mirror and support our quality and environmental approach, in the Airline sector, we are proud to work with such companies:

Air France KLM, our No.1 airline partner, has reduced their CO2 emissions by 13.5% due to their use of sustainable biofuels and their 35% reduction in noise pollution (source AF)


Lufthansa has succeeded in continually reducing its kerosene consumption and CO2 emissions due to its change from fossil fuels to the use of sustainable alternative fuel (source LH)


AirBridgeCargo has reduced its CO2 emissions by 16%, noise pollution by 30%, and aims to reduce its additional fuel consumption (source RU).

On the maritime sector side, the new IMO 2020 regulation has undertaken actions that will reduce sulfur emissions by more than 80%. Our partners, such as:

CMA CGM reduced their CO2 emissions per container by 10% of in 2017 and reduced their CO2 emissions per TEU per kilometer by 50% between 2005 and 2015, thanks to the use of low-sulfur fuel (source CMA CGM)


Since 2007, Maersk has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 47%, this was achieved thanks to sustained technical improvements (source Maersk).


Since 2011, MSC has reduced the use of more than 2 million tons of CO2 each year, saving 55,000 tons of fuel per year (source MSC).

From a purely logistical point of view, our partners are also selected according to their level of eco-responsibility, favoring the use of electronic equipment, such as forklifts, powered by renewable sources, and the use of recycled and/or recyclable materials.

We are proud to work with our partners who pay as much attention to their ecological footprint as we do.




As mentioned earlier, "zero impact" types of transport do not exist yet; nevertheless, it is still essential to know how much we emit. With this in mind, Bansard International has developed a Business Intelligence solution: a reporting service to monitor at all times the amount of CO2 emissions according to the mode of transport used. This online customization dashboard allows our customers to calculate their Carbon Footprint by viewing their CO2 footprint history. To assist our customers in their decision, we also offer a comparison according to the different modes of transport.

Bansard Green - Green customizable dashboard to follow your carbon emission

An emission comparator by type of transport is also available to assist our customers in their decision-making.




We plan and encourage and make available the use of alternative modes of transport such as rail and inland waterway transport, which are ways to be taken into account, especially with the recent development of the infrastructure in Europe, the United States and China, which make these services increasingly competitive. 

The optimization of road transport, thanks to the implementation of our IT solutions, allows the application of optimized routes and reverse logistics, maximizing the return journeys of our trucks and containers, so that a minimum of travel is not made empty. 

On the logistics side, we encourage the use of eco-responsible warehouses equipped with electronic equipment. The use of WMS allows more relevant management of our customers' inventories and the use of recyclable, recycled or reusable packaging (just like our current ULD covers used in air freight).




Changing the way we work daily is a must, within Bansard International, each office and each employee is motivated to reduce their environmental impact as much as possible. It is through simple daily actions that each office is instructed to limit its consumption of energy, supplies, and stationery but also to sort and recycle, to encourage the sending of emails and eDocs instead of paper mail.

Each employee is encouraged to take action in favor of the environment in their daily work. Many measures are already undertaken to ensure this For example, staff from our e-commerce entity: CrossLog International, have made external installations with used recycling pallets. The same subsidiary has also installed water tanks connected to the water network and the distribution of customized water bottles for all employees to avoid unnecessary waste!

Crosslog, green and sustainable solutions made by our team




Such as the obtaining and renewal of ISO 9001:2015 certification by Bansard Morocco, recently renewed in October 2019. Bansard France is also looking for recognized labels. It is currently in the process of obtaining the 6PL label (the only French label targeting the activities of logistics sites of manufacturers, distributors, and logisticians delivered by the Seine Normandy Logistics Association (LSN) and Le Havre Logistics Club. This label, respecting the Grenelle II law, is based on five main areas:


ISO labels


This label will reflect the willingness and resources put in place by certified companies to reduce their environmental impacts, optimize their energy performance and their proactivity concerning present or future new regulations and standards, in terms of sustainable logistics.


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Don't hesitate to share them with us at getgreener@bansard.com!

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